Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Just wanted to let all of you anticipating Epic Bro Fest Four: BeerFest that due to an overwhelming response to the first three EBFs, EBF IV's release date will have to be postponed. We are going to make major updates to the blog, including a new domain, a new logo, a "slay count" section and new ways for bros to get involved with Epic Bro Fest. We are all very excited about this and hope you keep coming back to the site with regularity to peep the happenings.

If you live in any of the Continental United States where Four Loko is banned and find yourself going through withdrawls where you shake all day and day dream about the taste of Jolly Rancher and Formaldehyde here is a potentially better alternative served up by some bros....Make Your Own Loko. EBF suggests using a bigger cup in order to mix in more Ides, and since bros know one tablet of caffeine will effect you just as much as eight beers, use one box per drink. Happy Home Brewing!